Organizational and economic mechanism for the land use in rural areas
The goal is to consider the problems of institutional and organizational-economic mechanisms for the effective use of lands near the village on the basis of assessment of the existing load of livestock in personal subsidiary plots and the system of its maintenance in various natural and agriultural zones. Objectives – to analyze pasture use in rural settlements and to present the standards for maximum permissible load of grazing of farm animals on the area of pastures in different climatic zones. Results – regions with a shortage of near-aul lands for livestock, high concentration of the rural population, a discrepancy between the livestock number and the level of pasture provi-sion were identified. Areas with a low load of animals on pastures are identified. The ratio of the standards of demand and supply in forage for natural and agricultural zones and animal species is shown. The formula for determining the optimal number of livestock that can be grazed around a settlement, taking into account the feed stock and pasture capacity, is presented. Schemes of pasture rotation are presented and recommendations for their use are developed to preserve the productivity of natural forage areas of zonal types of near-aul pasture lands and to radically improve on the basis of natural economic zoning of the republic. The analysis of the degree of watering of near-village pastures by region is given. Costs per head unit for transition and long-term periods have been calculated. Conclusions – costs for the near future are based on the existing cost structure by item with some amendments. Purchased feed for all types of animals prevails in the cost structure. The degree of maintenance of rangelands in non-State agricultural enterprises within the boundaries of land use, where there is a reserve potential of unused forage lands, has been determined.
About the Authors
A. N. ZhildikbaevaKazakhstan
Zhildikbaeva Aizhan – Ph.D; Associate Professor of the Department "Land Resources and Cadastre»
050010 Abay ave., 8, Almaty, Kazakhstan
L. A. Glushan
Glushan Lyudmila, Senior Researcher
050010 Abay ave., 8, Almaty, Kazakhstan
S. K. Elemesov
Elemesov Serik, Ph.D student
050010 Abay ave., 8, Almaty, Kazakhstan
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Supplementary files
For citations:
Zhildikbaeva A.N., Glushan L.A., Elemesov S.K. Organizational and economic mechanism for the land use in rural areas. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;(2):161-170.