Modernization of production is an effective mechanism for solving problems of agro-industrial complex
The goal is to address the issues of modernization and diversification in agricultural sector in order to increase the level of socio-economic development of the country. The article presents domestic and foreign experience of the States which implement these transformations in enterprises for the efficient use of production resources, reduction of labor costs, and increasing income. Objectives – to show that positive directions for expanding the scope of activities in production of products by increasing its range will optimize logistics costs, reduce dependence on supplies, which causes significant material and monetary costs, and gain independence from suppliers of necessary materials and raw materials. The results confirm that in agro-industrial complex, along with specialization, an objective necessity is diversified development, i.e. diversification and reconstruction. Agricultural enterprises in the North Kazakhstan region have experience related to this strategy. In the region, one can mention successful examples of organizing flour production on farms, which contributes to meeting the demand for flour-grinding products without intermediaries between producers and consumers, directly selling them to bakery enterprises, bakeries of the republic. The livestock complex of the NKR increases production of milk and its processing products butter, sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese, kefir and yogurt. The conclusions reflect that the processes of modernization and diversification in agro-industrial complex should be carried out simultaneously with deepening of the specialized focus of production, increase in interregional and industrial exchange, which is a powerful basis for the development of the national market and multi-structured economy.
About the Authors
M. YerenkhanKazakhstan
Yerenkhan Manchuk The main author; Ph.D students
071400 Tole bi str., 86/3, Semey, Kazakhstan
I. P. Bogomolova
Bogomolova Irina; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Head of the Department "Management, Organization of Production and Industry Economics (UOP and OE)”;
394036 Revolution ave., 19, Voronezh, Russia
M. K. Tuleubayeva
Tuleubayeva Meiramkul; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Senior Lecturer Department of «Economics and Tourism»
050026 Kazybek bi str., 168, Almaty, Kazakhstan
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For citations:
Yerenkhan M., Bogomolova I.P., Tuleubayeva M.K. Modernization of production is an effective mechanism for solving problems of agro-industrial complex. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;(2):38-45.