
Grain farming is the basis for functioning of grain product sub-complex


Purpose – complex multifunctional and dynamic system, which includes a wide range of national economic functions, which is represented by grain farming, and requires priority attention to its development from the state has been analyzed. It is noted that the stability of grain trade, functioning of national and general grain markets depend on the quantity, quality, species range and price level of grain produced, demand, government influence on its production and sale, situation on the world grain market and other factors of an internal and external nature. The research methods are reflected in the improvement of territorial division of labor in the process of grain production and development of grain trade between countries, taking into account the scientific approach to the development and implementation of projects and programs of an interstate association, which should be comprehensive and take into account the positive aspects and barriers in expanding the single grain market. Results – it was revealed that innovative activity, promising innovations for the systems of breeding and seed production of grain crops, development of mechanization, land reclamation, chemical processing, expansion and strengthening of transport routes, information support, management in the fields of grain production and market relations allow the formation of specialized grain zones. Conclusions – in Kazakhstan, it is necessary to create a domestic accounting system in accordance with interstate agreements, according to which, in 2022, a mechanism for the identification and traceability of grain should function in the EAEU. It will require its development, similar to dairy products, which will significantly increase the cost of using these technologies.

About the Authors

S. K. Mizanbekova
Kazakh National Agrarian Research University

Mizanbekova Salima – Doctor of Economic Sciences RK; Doctor of Economic Sciences RF, Professor; Professor of the Department of Management and Organization of Agribusiness

050010 Abay ave., 8, Almaty, Kazakhstan

B. B. Kalykova
Kazakh National Agrarian Research University

Kalykova Bakhyt, Сandidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Professor of the Department of Management and Organization of Agribusiness

050010 Abay ave., 8, Almaty, Kazakhstan

D. A. Aitmukhanbetova
Kazakh National Agrarian Research University

Aitmukhanbetova Damira; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Senior Lecturer

050010 Abay ave., 8, Almaty, Kazakhstan


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Supplementary files


For citations:

Mizanbekova S.K., Kalykova B.B., Aitmukhanbetova D.A. Grain farming is the basis for functioning of grain product sub-complex. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;(2):130-137. (In Russ.)

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