On-farm land use management of agricultural entities
The issues of land legislation in the field of regulation of land relations have been identified. It was determined that pre-reform period was characterized by the planned development of economy, on-farm land management design was mandatory and was of a directive nature. The author notes that the Rules for Rational Use of Agricultural Lands establish the existence of onfarm land management projects aimed at their rational use. The results of the analysis showed that currently in the land legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan there are no clear requirements for drafting projects in the system of measures on land use regulation. Therefore, in practice, they are developed by only a small part of economic entities, which leads to deterioration in reclamation state of agricultural land, decrease in fertility level, contamination of crops with weeds, spread of various diseases and plant pests, degradation of forage lands (pastures, hayfields), etc. All this is the result of underdeveloped land legislation, weak implementation of public control over the use and protection of land. The existing structure of on-farm land management projects has been analyzed. The conclusion on the need for their development, as well as methodological instructions based on new approaches and innovative technologies was done. It is noted that in 2018 at the legislative level, amendments were made to the Land Code, regulating the procedure and features of the provision of State-owned agricultural land for peasant or private farm operations, agricultural production through tender commission. Owners or land users were invited to develop on-farm land management projects at their own expense.
About the Author
G. K. KurmanovaKazakhstan
Kurmanova Gulnara Kenesovna; Doctor of Economics; Head of the Department "Cadastre and Assessment"
Nur-Sultan, 010011 Pobedy Ave. 62
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For citations:
Kurmanova G.K. On-farm land use management of agricultural entities. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;(1):132-137. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.46666/2021-1-2708-9991.16