Development of agricultural market as a factor in the increased competitiveness of the economy of Kazakhstan
As the research aim, the authors analyze theoretical and practical directions of increasing the competitiveness of products of agro-industrial complex of the republic and give recommendations on the formation and development of its competitive advantages. The article shows the problems of the industry that require accelerated decision-making. The key task is, first of all, refusal from the raw material orientation in agricultural sector, production of high-quality exportoriented agricultural products. In a pandemic, the public support of the regions largely determines the level and quality of life of their population. Food import and export volumes are considered. The conclusion on the need to improve measures aimed at increasing export potential of agricultural enterprises is made. Forecast of production of ready-made feed for farm animals is presented, taking into account the use of innovative technologies, which will contribute to the increase in the population number of cattle and its productivity. It is noted that in order to establish mutual interests of the State and small businesses, the growth of regional economic potential, efficient use of resources of local and republican budgets, consulting services are important, in particular, holding of consulting and training workshops, training programs. The necessity of a wide range of scientific research on the issues of development of country's agro-industrial production and ensuring the availability of knowledge of modern technologies through scientific and information support for agricultural producers, which allows to increase the competitive advantages of agri-industrial complex on domestic and foreign markets, has been justified. The forecasts of production and demand for agricultural products are calculated according to scientifically grounded norms per capita.
About the Authors
A. S. NarynbayevaKazakhstan
Narynbayeva Aina Serikovna, Doktor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Professor of the Department of Business and Management
Pavlodar, 140000 M. Gorky str. 102/4
Y. T. Shakhman
Shakhman Yertargyn Toıganuly; PhD student of Department of Business and Management
Pavlodar, 140000, M. Gorky str. 102/4
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For citations:
Narynbayeva A.S., Shakhman Y.T. Development of agricultural market as a factor in the increased competitiveness of the economy of Kazakhstan. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;(1):91-100. (In Russ.)