ІInfluence of an optimal feeding ration on raising young cattle
The purposeful impact of feeding and keeping dairy cattle on the formation of productive and other qualities is based on the laws of animal development. In the dairy period, calves, regardless of breed characteristics, must be fed on the basis of an optimal diet, which ensures high gains in live weight. The goal is to justify the effectiveness of a balanced feeding system using targeted feed additives of a new generation, contributing to the genetic manifestation of productivity of young animals during the rearing period. Methods – 2 experimental groups were formed according to the principle of pairs of analogs, taking into account gender, age, body condition, body weight and origin. The research was carried out on heifers of the Holstein breed in three farms in Almaty region. Results – the calves after the optimization of nutritional components at 12 months of age had a higher live weight compared to the heifers who received farm rations. So, in LLP “Agrofirma “Dinara-Ranch” it was higher by 3.14%, PF “ Aydarbayev”by 4.06, JSC “APC “Adal” by 4.52%. The average daily gain in live weight increased by 9.11%, 7.62 and 7.59%, respectively. Conclusions – during the experiments, it was found that optimization of feed rations for young animals in JSC "APC "Adal " increased profitability by 46.3%, total economic effect was 7,618 tenge, farm "Aydarbayev": 46.3% and 9,312 tenge, LLP “Agrofirm “Dinara-Ranch”: 31.1% and 4,588 tenge. The solution of these issues is important both for large industrial complexes and farms. A special role is given to the search for ways of the most rational use of feed, the use of biologically active substances, and creation of comfortable conditions for keeping animals.
About the Authors
M. B. KalmagambetovKazakhstan
Kulmagambetov Murat Baitugelovich – Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor; Senior Researcher
050035 Zhandosov str., 51, Almaty, Kazakhstan
A. B. Baimukhanov
Baimukhanov Askar Bоrankulovich, Candidate of Economic Sciences; Head of the Department «Development of Processing and Logistics of Agricultural Products»
050057 Satpaev str., 30b, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Zh. E. Sheralieva
Sheralieva Zhanar Esengeldikyzy; Master of Agricultural Sciences
050035 Zhandosov str., 51, Almaty, Kazakhstan
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Supplementary files
For citations:
Kalmagambetov M.B., Baimukhanov A.B., Sheralieva Zh.E. ІInfluence of an optimal feeding ration on raising young cattle. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;(2):100-107. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.46666/2021-2.2708-9991.12