Innovative technologies in sheep breeding: economic efficiency
The directions of sustainable development of agri-food complex, maintaining a high level of its competitiveness based on modernization of production are presented. The goal is to determine the patterns of changes in economic indicators as a result of introduction of new technologies in sheep breeding. Tasks requiring an early solution: analysis of factors contributing to the growth of fixed assets in livestock farms in Kazakhstan; research on the application of the automation system in livestock industry. The methodological basis of the article is a set of general scientific principles and methods: a systematic approach, synthesis, generalization of information. Results – the mechanisms of using modern equipment in sheep-breeding model farms are shown, the economic efficiency of methods for optimizing animal husbandry is substantiated. The ways of reducing the cost as a result of increasing the level of the material and technical base are considered, which requires, in contrast to other livestock sub-complexes, less investment. The importance of such indicators as resource saving, growth of labor productivity, profitability of production, cost reduction, capital intensity, capital productivity, capital-labor ratio is argued. Conclusions – one of the most important scientific and technical problems is the development of a technical policy, as well as a system of machines and technologies for mechanization and automatic control in livestock sector for the formation of market for technical means, equipping livestock producers with them, which will ensure the competitiveness of domestic food in the world market and meet the demand for food products in domestic market.
About the Authors
M. K. BegeyevaKazakhstan
Begeyeva Mira, Candidat of Economic Sciences; Deputy Head of the Department for Strategic Development and Analysis
090009 Zhangir Khan str., 51, Uralsk, Kazakhstan
M. A. Alseitova
Alseitova Maral, Master of Economics and Business; Economist
090009 Zhangir Khan str., 51, Uralsk, Kazakhstan
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For citations:
Begeyeva M.K., Alseitova M.A. Innovative technologies in sheep breeding: economic efficiency. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;(2):108-115. (In Kazakh)