
Scientific foundations of digitalization of agro-industrial production


The relevance of this topic of the article is associated with the need to automate and digitalize the branches of agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan, ensuring the country's food security and improving the well-being of the rural population. The main problems of the development of animal husbandry in the republic are considered. The structure of its production by farm categories has been analyzed. It has been determined that about 55% of the industry's products are provided by the households, which contain 55.3% of the cattle population. The purpose of the study is to justify the need to increase the volume of beef cattle breeding through the use of innovative technologies and digitalization of livestock farms, as well as the development and scientific confirmation of rational options and technical solutions for low-cost, environmentally friendly meat production technologies. The work uses the methods of economic and statistical analysis, which consists in summarizing statistical data, illustrative presentation of factual information, etc. Results – the authors state that meeting the existing high demand for Kazakhstani meat products in domestic and foreign markets currently requires a transfer and adaptation of highly efficient technologies based on automation and digitalization of production processes in livestock farming, taking into account the objective conditions in the regions of the country. The data on technology of organizing winter and cultivated pastures in cattle breeding, pasture rotation, seasonal rotations, preparation of scientifically grounded feeding rations, the choice of machines and equipment for the automation of technological processes are presented. An economic assessment of the effectiveness of creating model farms by levels of digitalization was carried out: basic, advanced, digital; indicators of labor productivity, payback period are calculated. The conclusions indicate the need to increase government support for the meat industry.

About the Authors

S. M. Yessengaliyeva
Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University

Essengaliyeva Saltanat Mutigollaevna - Ph.D, Candidat of Economic Sciences RF; Senior Lecturer

09000 Zhangir Khan ave., 51, Uralsk, Kazakhstan

A. I Gizzatova
M. Utemisov West Kazakhstan State University;

Gizzatova Alla Islyamovna, Doctor of Economic Sciences RF, RK, Associate Professor; Professor  

09000 Nazarbayev ave., 162, Uralsk, Kazakhstan

B. K. Rakhimgaliyev
Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University

Rakhimgaliyev Beibitzhan Kilanbekovich; Senior Lecturer

09000 Zhangir Khan ave., 51, Uralsk, Kazakhstan


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Supplementary files


For citations:

Yessengaliyeva S.M., Gizzatova A.I., Rakhimgaliyev B.K. Scientific foundations of digitalization of agro-industrial production. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;(2):55-61. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 1817-728X (Print)
ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)