
Innovative technologies in poultry farming of the Republic of Kazakhstan


The article discusses the features of innovation in agricultural sector, the direction of development of entrepreneurial activity in poultry industry based on integration processes. The aim of the study is to assess the efficiency of production in agro-industrial complex, in particular in poultry industry. Methods used in the work: comparison, synthesis, factor analysis of the main criteria, the level of specialization of an innovative enterprise through multiple regression. In the course of the study, the authors obtained the following results – promising areas of activity of poultry farms in the transition to an innovative development model were identified; assessed the possibilities of integration in the enterprises of the republic for production of poultry products in the form of expanding the production structure or merging with other companies; the predicted values of the poultry farming trend were calculated, the influence of factors on the basis of longterm economic data on the activities of poultry farms and poultry production program until 2025 have been identified in the course of studying. The achievements of LLP "Ordabasy kus" of Turkestan region, which carried out the modernization of production are presented. The authors developed recommendations and presented conclusions on modernization of domestic production while simultaneously reducing labor costs and funds per unit of production of poultry industry in order to increase its efficiency based on integration and innovative technologies, which, in turn, will increase productivity of poultry.


About the Authors

K. U. Stamkulova
Narxoz University

Stamkulova Kaliash, Doctor of Economic Sciences; Professor of the Educational Program «Ecology»

050035 Zhandosova str., 55, Almaty, Kazakhstan

M. U. Stamkulova
M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University

Stamkulova Meruert; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Senior lecturer of the Department of Tourism

160005 Tauke Khan ave., 5, Shymkent, Kazakhstan


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For citations:

Stamkulova K.U., Stamkulova M.U. Innovative technologies in poultry farming of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;(2):116-122. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1817-728X (Print)
ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)