
Rice growing industry of Kyzylorda region of Kazakhstan: trends and development prospects


The authors consider the current state of rice-growing industry of Kyzylorda region: the sown area of rice is 87,300 ha, which made it possible to ensure the production of 90% of rice products produced in Kazakhstan. The average yield of white grain is 54.5 c per hectare. Due to the use of high-yielding varieties over the past 5 years, production of rice grain has increased by 39%, the gross harvest of rice has doubled. According to the Committee on Statistics, its volumes in the region in 2020 increased by 15 thous. tons compared to 2019, processed rice - by 81.2% (from 60 to 107.5 thous. tons). In Kyzylorda region in 2020, 61.8 c per hectare were harvested, more than 550 thous. tons of rice were delivered to the barns. The results of the study showed that despite the significant amount of products received in the republic, which fully meets the domestic demand for rice grain, the main branch of agricultural production and a source of income for the rural population is further development of rice growing, the increase in its export potential. The rates of development of rice-growing sub-complex in the region and the level of world demand for this crop are analyzed. The problems and prospects of rice production in the region are reflected. The study of this issue made it possible to identify the great importance of rice industry for the republic, since rice is becoming more and more in demand in the country and abroad. The subsidies available in the industry are analyzed and their effectiveness is assessed. Recommendations on subsidizing rice growing industry have been developed.

About the Authors

S. T. Zhumasheva
Kazakh Research Institute of Economy of Agro-Industrial Complex and Rural Development

 Zhumasheva Saule Tokanovna; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Scientific Secretary

Almaty, 050057 Satpaev str. 30 б

Sh. M. Kantarbayeva
«Narhoz» University

 Kantarbayeva Shyryn Myrzahanovna; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Professor of the Scientific and Educational Department "Social Sciences"

Almaty, 050035 Zhandosov str. 55 

A. E. Mukanova
Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University

 Mukhanova Aigul Erdenovna; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Management

Kyzylorda, 120014 Aiteke bi str. 29 а 


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For citations:

Zhumasheva S.T., Kantarbayeva Sh.M., Mukanova A.E. Rice growing industry of Kyzylorda region of Kazakhstan: trends and development prospects. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;(1):13-21. (In Kazakh)

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