Global experience of transition to a "green" economy
The goal is to consider the priority areas of green economy concept: principles, factors, mechanisms and prerequisites for Kazakhstan's transition to the implementation of environmental policy. Objectives – to show the need to develop government programs for the long term and their stages to move towards ecosystems; substantiate that the dynamics of response and effective functioning of the labor market play a key role in facilitating transformation to a resource-saving economy, increasing the number of jobs in this industry. “Green” growth is also an opportunity to expand the labor market. At present, the totality of global environmental and economic threats and challenges has put the world economic science in front of the need to search for new ways of developing the world economy. Methods – in the research methods of scientific analysis, comparison and synthesis were used. Results – the authors carried out a search and proposed a formulation of the most accurate and capacious modern definition of eco-innovation, which unambiguously reflects their essence. Domestic and international scientific developments on the issue of sustainable development of a new model for reducing environmental deficit have been studied. Conclusions – the authors state that in order to comply with international standards, agricultural sector of the republic needs to be updated. Expansion of the organic agriculture sector could be an alternative to the existing management models. The article also focuses on the fact that the concept of "green" economy does not replace the strategy of stable forward movement, but focuses on "green" sectors as new engines of growth aimed at improving the quality of life of the population while minimizing the depletion of natural resources and preserving nature.
About the Authors
B. М. IskakovKazakhstan
Iskakov Bauyrzhan Muratbekuly –The main author; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Professor of the Department of Economics and Innovative Business
010000 Y.Dukenuly str., 29, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
A. A. Pyagay
Pyagai Alexander Anatolyevich; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Professor of the Department «Economics and Innovative Business»
010000 Y.Dukenuly str., 29, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
A. T. Rakhimbekova
Рахимбекова Алия Төлеутайқызы; Ph.D докторанты «Экономика және инновациялық бизнес» кафедрасының
010000 Y.Dukenuly str., 29, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
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For citations:
Iskakov B.М., Pyagay A.A., Rakhimbekova A.T. Global experience of transition to a "green" economy. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;(2):62-69.