


The study deals with the formation of a model of sustainable and effective development of agriculture and rural areas as the main task of implementing the State agricultural policy. The relevance of the tasks set by the author lies in considering the living conditions in the countryside as an integrated approach to the country's economy in order to diversify the types of activities in rural areas, create new sources of income. The directions representing a new economic paradigm of rural development in Kazakhstan are justified. The ways of implementing a comprehensive policy are shown, which consists in the partnership of public structures, local governments, public organizations and private sector, so that in the future, rural areas will become the most important socioeconomic and ecological subsystem of society. One of the key issues in the development of a model of modernization of the Kazakh countryside - the methodology for assessing the strategy and taken measures are highlighted. It is noted that monitoring of a wide variety of regional situations in rural settlements is of great scientific importance in creating a reliable and objective basis for developing substantiated measures to improve the quality of life of the rural population and determining priorities. The author states that the implementation of the "Auyl - El besigi" program contrib- utes to the development of support and satellite villages, which have the potential to increase the level of life and well-being of rural residents, modernize the social infrastructure of the SNP JSC "Fund for Financial Support of Agriculture" allocated significant amounts to ensure employment of the rural population. The program condition in the funded projects should be startups, proposals for non-agricultural areas of expansion of activities in rural areas.

About the Author

B. . Kalykova
Kazakh National Agrarian University


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For citations:

Kalykova B. RURAL TERRITORIES OF KAZAKHSTAN: REALITIES, PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS. Problems of AgriMarket. 2020;(3):209-215. (In Russ.)

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