


In this study, the goal is theoretical and practical aspects of optimizing agricultural production management in the system of market economy based on economic and mathematical modeling. The relevance of the topic - in the theoretical and methodological provisions for improving agricultural sector, taking into account modern trends which is proposed by the authors. Optimization models of specialization in agriculture in conditions of irrigated agriculture in deterministic and stochastic formulations on the basis of their technological specifics in the practice of planning grain production of the SNP "Akzhar" of Saryagash district of Turkestan region have been built and implemented. The objective function is to maximize its total income. The specialization of cultivation of six grain crops on irrigated lands was investigated. The dependences of their productivity were revealed, taking into account moisture for irrigation and mineral fertilizers on the basis of multivariate regression models. The article presents economic and mathematical models for determining the optimal size of agricultural enterprises on irrigation, which make it possible to rationally use natural production resources and make informed management decisions. The results of the study are new methodologies for constructing an integrated system for optimizing the management of agricultural production activities, aimed at increasing the level of effective use of material and labor resources. The specified set of economic and mathematical models is aimed to help to the heads of farms and regions. The introduction of this approach through the implementation of optimization schemes allows to increase the amount of profit, increase economic efficiency of agricultural sector.

About the Authors

A. D. Saparbayev
«Kainar» Academy

A. T. Makulova
Narxoz University

E. A. Saparbayeva
M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University


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For citations:

Saparbayev A.D., Makulova A.T., Saparbayeva E.A. OPTIMIZATION MODELS OF DISTRIBUTION OF LAND PLOTS FOR GRAIN CROPS. Problems of AgriMarket. 2020;(3):202-208. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1817-728X (Print)
ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)