


The purpose of the study is to substantiate the need for creation and development of industry clusters, their promising areas - the primary link of agro-industrial complex, functioning as a single integrated production and economic system. The article is devoted to solving this urgent problem. The authors note that there is a lack of processing facilities in the republic, while the existing ones remain unloaded. The core is efficient food clusters - these are large processing structures. Conditions, factors, criteria for the organization and effective functioning of the meat cluster were considered on the basis of the Merke plant LLP "Merke Et". At processing enterprises, the researchers believe, it is necessary to master and introduce new, waste-free technologies and they should become the beginning of building integrated structures based on the principle of distributing income from sale of final products in proportion to the contribution of each participant in the integration process. Agribusinesses will also be interested in achieving the full capacity utilization of processing enterprises, since in this case their maximum share in the distributed profit from the sale of finished products is ensured. The authors argue that the integration of enterprises in related industries can be accelerated with active government support. The development of agriculture is considered in close connection with related areas of agro-industrial complex. The generalization of the experience of its intensification in economically developed countries showed that it took place in the mainstream of innovation policy, covering the balance of industries in its composition, development of new technologies of waste-free production at all stages of a single technological cycle from production of agricultural products to the receipt of final product.

About the Authors

G. . Madiev
Kazakh National Agrarian Research University

A. . Bekbossynova
Kazakh National Agrarian Research University


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For citations:

Madiev G., Bekbossynova A. DEVELOPMENT OF MEAT CLUSTER IN ZHAMBYL REGION OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN. Problems of AgriMarket. 2020;(3):193-201. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1817-728X (Print)
ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)