


The target criteria of this study is to present the current state of the prospects for production and processing of milk in the East Kazakhstan region, which is the leading one in the production of dairy products in the country. The article provides a detailed analysis of the development of dairy industry in this region for the period 2015-2019 according to the following indicators: the volume of milk production and main types of dairy products, level of use of the average annual production capacity of milk processing enterprises; population demand for dairy products and their actual consumption. The quantity of produced assortment of products is analyzed, including processed liquid milk, cream, butter, cheese, cottage cheese. The main problems of the region's dairy industry development are identified, such as insufficient level of production capacity utilization, shortage and low quality of used raw materials that do not meet the requirements of sanitary standards, outdated material and technical base. To solve topical issues of providing dairy factories with raw materials in the region, it is necessary to form specialized dairy farms of large and medium size, expand the scale of agricultural cooperation. State support and stimulation of the activities of cooperating farms will help to increase production of raw materials in the dairy industry in the region, improve its quality, due to the observance of epidemiological standards and labor hygiene, full-fledged veterinary and breeding work, and will also solve problems related to ensuring employment of the population in the countryside security of the country.

About the Authors

ZH. . Kazhieva
Shakarim University

L. . Ahmetova
S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University

L. . Zhakibayeva
S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University


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For citations:

Kazhieva Zh., Ahmetova L., Zhakibayeva L. PRODUCTION AND PROCESSING OF MILK IN THE EAST KAZAKHSTAN REGION. Problems of AgriMarket. 2020;(3):187-192. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1817-728X (Print)
ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)