Авторлар туралы
М. Б. ҚалмағамбетовҚазақстан
А. Н. Қарабаева
Әдебиет тізімі
1. Akimbekova, G.U. The current state of dairy cattle breeding in model farms of Almaty region / G.U. Akimbekova., A.B. Baimukhanov, U.R. Kaskabaev // Problems of the agricultural market. -2019.- No. 4.-P. 11-19.
2. Kurdeko, A. P. Directed growing of replacement young animals / A. P. Kurdeko, N. A. Popkov, V. N. Timoshenko et al. - Gorki: BSKhA, 2011. - 88p.
3. Babkin, A.V. The importance of early pregnancy diagnosis using an ultrasound scanner [Electronic resource].- 2017.-URL: http: // www. prok.ru/info/articles/znachenie-ranney-diagnostiki-stelnosti-s-pomoshchyu-uzi-skanera/ (date of access: 02.09.2020).
4. Breeding of farm animals: guidelines for the study of the discipline and assignments of control work and a course project for correspondence students with. universities. - Gorki: BSKhA, 2018. - 82p.
5. Materials of primary accounting of the model farm of IB "Karimov" of Koksuy district of Almaty region. Department of agriculture of Almaty region.-Taldykorgan, 2019.- 32 p.
6. Materials of primary accounting of the model economy of the APC "PZ " Almaty " in Talgar district of Almaty region. Department of agriculture of Almaty region. -Taldykorgan, 2019.- 42 p.
7. Materials of primary accounting of the model economy of LLP "Tastobe AgroFood", Karatal district, Almaty region. Department of agriculture of Almaty region. - Taldykorgan, 2019. - 46 p.
8. Materials of primary accounting of the model farm of IP "Sadykov" Talgar district of Almaty region. Department of agriculture of the Almaty region.-Taldykorgan, 2019.- 41 p.
9. Materials of primary accounting of the model farm "Borte Milka" LLP, Ordabasy district, Turkestan region. Department of Agriculture of Turkestan region. - Turkestan, 2019. - 55 p.
10. Materials of primary accounting of the model farm PF "Zaytenov" Borodulikha district of the East Kazakhstan region. Department of Agriculture of the East Kazakhstan region.- Ust-Kamenogorsk, 2019.- 47 p.
11. Materials of primary accounting of the model economy of "Kakpaktas-Kordai" LLP, Kordai district of the Zhambyl region. Department of Agriculture of the Zhambyl region, Taraz, 2019, 54 p.
12. R.G. Kuzmich. Organization of cattle reproduction: methodological guide / R.G. Kuzmich [and others]. - Vitebsk: VGAVM, 2012.- 44.
Дәйектеу үшін:
Қалмағамбетов М.Б., Қарабаева А.Н. СИЫРЛАРДЫҢ АНАЛЫҚ БАСЫН ҚОЛДАН ҰРЫҚТАНДЫРУ ӘДІСІН ҚОЛДАНУ. Аграрлық нарық проблемалары. 2020;(3):164-171. https://doi.org/10.46666/2020.2708-9991.20
For citation:
Kalmagambetov M.B., Karabayeva A.N. APPLICATION OF THE METHOD OF ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION OF BREEDING STOCK COWS. Problems of AgriMarket. 2020;(3):164-171. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.46666/2020.2708-9991.20