


The objectives of this study are to analyze the economic efficiency of using the method of artificial insemination of cows with semen divided by sex, ultrasound for diagnosing inseminated breeding stock livestock and diseases of reproductive function using the example of model dairy farms, which makes it possible to determine the development potential of these farms, to conduct an economic assessment of production level. Based on development materials, calculation of the effectiveness of model farms for production of milk and its processing products is presented, the possibilities of using new technologies for the automation of technological processes are shown. In the future, in research work on organization of similar model farms, an emphasis should be placed on the consideration of indicators reflecting the specifics of their functioning, as well as production and financial results of activities based on a systematic integrated approach. Currently, a significant acceleration of genetic progress in selection and breeding work is facilitated by the use of sex-separated or sexed sperm. In trials conducted in the USA on 211 farms, the fertility of Holstein heifers with sex-sperm reached 47%, Jersey - 53%. In the offspring, 89% of heifers were obtained. In Finland, insemination of cows with sexed sperm with 2 million sperm in a dose provided 20% of calving, as a result of which 82% of heifers were born, while during insemination with ordinary cryopreserved sperm (15 million sperm) - 45 and 49%, respectively. The calculation proposed by the authors is based on identifying the percentage of live calves received from the number of cows and heifers of breeding age available on farms at the beginning of the analyzed year.

About the Authors

M. B. Kalmagambetov
Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry and Forage Production

A. N. Karabayeva
Kazakh Research Institute of Economy of Agro-Industrial Complex and Rural Development


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For citations:

Kalmagambetov M.B., Karabayeva A.N. APPLICATION OF THE METHOD OF ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION OF BREEDING STOCK COWS. Problems of AgriMarket. 2020;(3):164-171. (In Russ.)

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