Авторлар туралы
А. Б. БаймухановҚазақстан
Г. Я. Гусева
Әдебиет тізімі
1. Statistics of agriculture, forestry and fishery in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2019, Committee on Statistics of the MNE RK [Electronic resource].- 2020.- URL: http: //www. stat.gov.kz (date of access: 03.05.2020 ).
2. State program on AIC RK development 2017-2021. [Electronic resource].- 2017.-URL: http://www.adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/P1800000423 (date of access: 14.05.2020).
3. Concept for the implementation of the investment sectoral program for the dairy farming development for 2018-2027. [Electronic resource].- 2018.-URL: https: // www.moa.gov. kz/documents/1548136649.pdf (date of access: 20.05.2020).
4. Damodaran A. Investment evaluation. Tools and techniques for evaluation of any assets. - M.: Alpina Business, 2015.-1341 p.
5. Materials of the primary accounting of the model economy of the APC "PZ " Almaty" in Talgar district of Almaty region. Department of agriculture of Almaty region.-Taldykorgan, 2019.- 42 p.
6. Materials of primary accounting of the model farm of IB "Karimov" in Koksu district of Almaty region. Department of agriculture of Almaty region.-Taldykorgan, 2019.- 32 p.
7. Materials of primary accounting of the model economy of LLP "Kakpaktas-Kordai" of Kordai district of Zhambyl region. Department of agriculture of Zhambyl region.-Taraz.-2019.-54p.
8. Materials of primary accounting of the model economy of the IP "Sadykov" of the Talgar district of the Almaty region. Depart- mentofagricultureofAlmatyregion.- Taldykorgan, 2019.- 41 p.
9. Materials of primary accounting of the model economy LLP "Tastobe AgroFood" of Karatal district of Almaty region. Department of agriculture of Almaty region.-Taldykorgan, 2019.- 46 p.
10. Materials of primary accounting of the model economy of LLP "BorteMilka" of t Ordabasy region of Turkestan region. Department of agriculture of Turkestan region.- Turkestan, 2019.- 55 p.
11. Materials of primary accounting of the model farm "Zaytenov" of Borodulikha district of the East Kazakhstan region. Department of Agriculture of the East Kazakhstan region. -Ust-Kamenogorsk, 2019.-47 p.
Дәйектеу үшін:
Баймуханов А.Б., Гусева Г.Я. МОДЕЛЬДІК СҮТ ФЕРМАЛАРЫ МЫСАЛЫНДАҒЫ "ТАБЫНДЫ БАСҚАРУ" ЗАМАНАУИ ЖҮЙЕСІ. Аграрлық нарық проблемалары. 2020;(3):156-163. https://doi.org/10.46666/2020.2708-9991.19
For citation:
Baymuhanov A.B., Guseva G.Ya. MODERN "HERD MANAGEMENT" SYSTEM ON THE EXAMPLE OF MODEL DAIRY FARMS. Problems of AgriMarket. 2020;(3):156-163. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.46666/2020.2708-9991.19