


The authors consider the aim of the study - the issues of improving the energy efficiency of the country's agro-industrial complex. The relevance of the topic is that the studied sector of the national economy is characterized by high energy intensity and a low level of efficient consumption of energy resources, which negatively affects the competitiveness of products in domestic and world markets. The main problems and factors affecting the low efficiency of energy use are identified. The importance of increasing energy saving in agricultural sector through innovative resource-saving technologies is justified: introduction of precision farming system, biogas technologies. The advantages of their specific elements, economic efficiency, ensuring the rational use of energy resources are presented. Recommendations have been developed aimed at activating crop productivity management system based on a complex of satellite and computer hardware. The experience of foreign countries in the use of biogas technologies is analyzed, which indicates the prospects for the development of this direction of renewable energy, which contributes to the solution of not only energy, but also environmental problems. The significant benefits of operating biogas plants aimed to meet the energy needs of livestock farms and rural populations are shown. The economic feasibility and efficiency of the implementation of biogas projects have been proven, which simultaneously allow the rational management of agricultural waste. Proposals have been developed to stimulate the promotion of environmentally friendly biogas technologies in rural areas, due to the fact that expansion of the livestock production industry can have a negative impact on the environment if the industry's waste is not recycled properly.

About the Authors

A. R. Soltangazinov
Innovative University of Eurasia

A. ZH. Mussina
Toraighyrov University

A. S. Kadyrova
Innovative University of Eurasia


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For citations:

Soltangazinov A.R., Mussina A.Zh., Kadyrova A.S. SOME ASPECTS OF IMPROVING ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION IN KAZAKHSTAN. Problems of AgriMarket. 2020;(3):130-137. (In Russ.)

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