


The publication deals with the study of the issues of organic agriculture development in the context of several global crises: food, climate, financial, "pandemic" and Kazakhstan's capabilities in solving them. The author substantiates the need for a dynamic public strategy to achieve the goals of organic movement. The basic principles and criteria developed by international organizations and their relationship with the normative and legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan are considered from the conceptual point of view. A brief review of the contribution of public and social organizations to the formation of organic movement in the country. The analysis of the current situation in the world and Kazakhstan is presented. The conceptual position is based on the paradigm of global greening of agriculture, when each country will strive to make the most of the available potential of land and soil resources for the transition to agricultural technologies that are safe for ecology, human health, flora and fauna. An overview of the views and judgments of foreign scientists on the role of organic agriculture in food supply of the planet's population, prospects and problems of its development is made. The parameters of the organic sector expansion in the short term have been conceptually determined according to three scenarios: pragmatic, optimal and realistic. The tasks and program measures to support organic sector are outlined. The author's recommendations can be used in the development of program for socio-economic development of agricultural economy until 2026, as well as methodological base for making managerial decisions at the republican and regional levels.

About the Authors

V. V. Grigoruk
Kazakh Research Institute of Economy of Agro-Industrial Complex and Rural Development

Y. V. Klimov
Kazakh Research Institute of Economy of Agro-Industrial Complex and Rural Development


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For citations:

Grigoruk V.V., Klimov Y.V. ORGANIC FARMING: CONCEPTUAL POSITION. Problems of AgriMarket. 2020;(3):88-101. (In Russ.)

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