


The study of theoretical approaches and substantiation of recommendations for improving PPP mechanisms in AIC is dictated by their relevance and practical significance, which allow, on terms of mutual benefit for the state and business, to expand the resource base of agricultural production. The problems of using public-private partnership in the field of agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan are analyzed and its need for increasing the competitiveness of the agro-industrial complex is shown. There are presented 4 types of common PPP projects in the development of agribusiness, proposed by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. The reasons that hinder the active development of public-private partnerships in agricultural sector are identified: lack of cash; often low possibility of obtaining loan from bank; insufficient qualifications of specialists. The main directions have been identified that have significant potential for promising PPP programs: production of organic products in crop and livestock production sectors; an increase in the volume of meat products and milk; development of greenhouse economy, specializing not only in growing vegetables, but also in floriculture. A SWOT analysis of the use of public-private partnerships in agricultural production is presented, its strengths and capabilities, weaknesses and threats are shown, and, based on the results of the study, conceptual directions for the development of the PPP institute in AIC of the republic are highlighted. The following advantages of public-private partnership are reflected: the use of its mechanism will help to attract additional investment in agriculture, modernize production facilities, increase the profitability of production, saturate the domestic market with quality and affordable food, realize the country's export potential, and increase tax revenues.

About the Authors

R. K. Konuspayev
Sh. UalikhanovKokshetauStateUniversity

T. ZH. Demessinov
Sh. UalikhanovKokshetauStateUniversity

T. A. Taipov
AlmatyAcademy of Economics and Statistics


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For citations:

Konuspayev R.K., Demessinov T.Zh., Taipov T.A. PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP IN AGRICULTURAL SECTOR OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN. Problems of AgriMarket. 2020;(3):74-80. (In Russ.)

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