


The main purpose of the work is to justify the need for public regulation of agricultural sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan, without which it is impossible to solve the tasks assigned to it aimed to ensure food security, supply raw materials to processing industries, and protect the domestic market from imports. The article notes that developed countries also support the agricultural industry, which is influenced by natural and climatic factors, dependent on the problems of green environment, the mandatory use of innovative technologies in practice. At the same time, the authors believe that it is necessary to limit direct government intervention in the economy. It should be focused on improving economic instruments: taxes, tariffs, monetary mechanism. The article provides data on the funds allocated from the republican budget for financing and effective functioning of agricultural enterprises for a number of years. It is determined that the development of agro-industrial complex is interconnected with the activities of development institutions. The problems that have arisen in the practice of their functioning are identified, in particular, this concerns financial resources, issues of granting loans to agricultural economies, monitoring the progress of projects that received loans. The difficulties that arose led to understanding of the need to reorganize this structure. As a result, three financial institutions remained: "Agricultural Lending Corporation" JSC, "KazAgroFinance" JSC and "Agricultural Financial Support Fund" JSC. These changes will contribute to improving the management mechanism of the AIC.

About the Authors

K. . Akhmetova
Astana Representative Office of the Center for Distance Learning of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz

A. . Terzhanova
Astana Representative Office of the Center for Distance Learning of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz

A. . Akhmetova
JSC «Financial Academy»


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For citations:

Akhmetova K., Terzhanova A., Akhmetova A. STATE REGULATION OF AGRICULTURAL SECTOR OF KAZAKHSTAN. Problems of AgriMarket. 2020;(3):60-66. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1817-728X (Print)
ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)