


Analyzing the economic policy in the field of AIC, the authors studied the main directions and priorities of public support for agricultural sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The analysis of current state and development trends of the industry is carried out. The problems of agro-industrial production are outlined. The measures for the implementation of agricultural policy of Kazakhstan are considered. Prospects for solving pressing issues are shown in the frame-work of the medium and long-term State programs for agricultural sector of the republic. The main principles of public support for agriculture as the most important sector of national economy are considered. Methods and forms of public support for agro-industrial complex are analyzed, where special attention is paid to government preferential subsidies and lending to AIC entities. Some aspects of employment policy in agricultural entities and agricultural labor market are considered. Based on the results of the study, conclusions were done on the importance of State regulation of the country's agricultural sector for ensuring food security, increasing the competitiveness of domestic agricultural products on domestic and foreign markets based on innovative development, creating a favorable environment for expanding business system, increasing the investment attractiveness of the industry, and financial stability of commodity producers.

About the Authors

N. T. Baikadamov
Academician Z. Aldamzhar Kostanay Social-Technical University

B. A. Zhakupova
K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional State University

S. ZH. Kelbetova
K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional State University


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For citations:

Baikadamov N.T., Zhakupova B.A., Kelbetova S.Zh. MEASURES OF PUBLIC SUPPORT FOR AGRO-INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN. Problems of AgriMarket. 2020;(3):51-59. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)