


The key prerequisites for transition of domestic AIC to digital format of work are reflected. The vectors of influence of digital technologies on the development of agro-industrial complex are considered. Digital transformations in sectors of economy - first of all, the creation of a new industry by automating the country's transport and logistics system; the use of communication processes in agricultural sector, industry; e-commerce and improving systems for ensuring safety and availability of digital information, as well as implementation of these methods and techniques aimed to create "smart" cities. The authors note that digitalization is one of the most promising tools for achieving these goals. In addition, it should be understood that agribusiness in decision making is guided by such categories as increasing its profitability, expanding its market share, and increasing capitalization. In this direction, digitalization is one of the incentives for further development, because in competitive markets, any measures that can provide increase in profitability with acceptable level of predictable risk must be studied and implemented in practice. The features of effective digital technologies in agriculture of the republic are analyzed. Low productivity and high costs are highlighted as the key problems of domestic agricultural sector. The State policy of Kazakhstan is aimed at attracting the world's leading brands of agricultural machinery, produced using innovative nanotechnology, to the country, supporting local industries with objectively feasible localization conditions. It is concluded that it is necessary to use high-tech methods to solve the problems of increasing crop yields, animal productivity and labor productivity, and reducing production costs.

About the Authors

B. S. Utegulova
Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages

ZH. . Zharylkassyn
Turan University


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For citations:

Utegulova B.S., Zharylkassyn Zh. MODERNIZATION OF AIC BASED ON DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES. Problems of AgriMarket. 2020;(3):35-42. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1817-728X (Print)
ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)