


The purpose of the studyis to study the problems of stopping and preventing the process of desertification of pasture lands in Kazakhstan and development of measures for anticrisis management of cattle grazing territories by introducing a model of automated information management system (AIMS). The authors provide data on the considered issue as part of the implementation of the Program on Combating Desertification in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2005-2015. Based on the analysis of the influence of anthropogenic factors on vegetation and soil surface of deserted zone of the republic, it was revealed that its total area is more than 50 mln ha, which has conditioned the relevance and timeliness of the system of measures aimed to overcome desertification of the republic's pasture lands. The results of the implementation of AIMS are shown on the example of a pilot innovation-active territory of administrative district using the public information system (GIS) and cooperation of agribusiness objects based on Smart technologies. Managing the diversity and differentiation of agricultural landscape determines the stability of its balance, self-restoration of potential and resistance to anthropogenic loads. Therefore, when managing pastures, it is necessary to preserve diversity of biotopes, primarily regeneration centers, swampy meadows and pastures, nodal thickening of biota; avoid uniform agricultural relief to maintain the balance of many biotic and abiotic factors in landscape; strive to create interconnected elements of ecological frame of the area, for which the development of appropriate automated information management system is required.

About the Authors

V. V. Akimov
S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University

K. B. Gumanazarov
Kazakh University of Technology and Business

ZH. K. Mizambekova
Kazakh University of Technology and Business


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For citations:

Akimov V.V., Gumanazarov K.B., Mizambekova Zh.K. ANTI-CRISIS MANAGEMENT OF PASTURE AREAS IN KAZAKHSTAN BASED ON AUTOMATED INFORMATION SYSTEM. Problems of AgriMarket. 2020;(3):21-27. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1817-728X (Print)
ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)