
Diversification strategy in agro-industrial complex


The relevance of the topic of the article is determined by the importance of diversification of production aimed to increase the competitiveness of agro-industrial complex at the present stage of economic development. The goal is to analyze the features of transformation of organizational and production structure of agricultural enterprise, which consists in supplementing it with new types of products, technologies, suppliers, etc. Objectives to show the importance of diversification processes to ensure sustainability of agricultural producers to negative changes in the external and internal environment. Results – it is noted that the priority areas of diversification in agro-industrial production include the organization of new branches of crop and livestock production, the inclusion of productive species, varieties or hybrids of crops in crop rotations, the development of processing sectors, the system of material and technical supply and marketing of products, etc. commodity diversity, reorientation of sales markets in agro-industrial complex is especially important in view of high risks of doing business associated with the high dependence of its results on weather conditions of the year, soil and natural-climatic factors, etc. The conducted analysis shows that the important conditions for deepening structural restructuring include developed agricultural policy of the State, a system of effective measures for regulating and supporting the industry, attracting investment in the development of agricultural sector and financial markets. The performed studies allowed us to draw the following main conclusions – diversification of production is a promising direction for the development of economic activity of enterprises, ensuring the growth of their proceeds from product sales, profits and profitability.

About the Authors

R. A. Konuspayev
Shokan Ualikhanov Kokshetau University

Konuspayev Ruslan Kurmangazhievich  – The main author; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Management

020000 Abay str., 76, Kokshetau, Kazakhstan

T. Zh. Demesinov
Shokan Ualikhanov Kokshetau University

Demesinov Talgat Zhumabekovich; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Pofessor; Professor of the Department of Finance and Management

020000 Abay str., 76, Kokshetau, Kazakhstan

T. A. Taipov
Academy of Economics and Statistics

Taipov Timur Alchinovich; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor; Professor of Department of Finance

050035 Zhandosova str., 59, Almaty, Kazakhstan


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For citations:

Konuspayev R.A., Demesinov T.Zh., Taipov T.A. Diversification strategy in agro-industrial complex. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;(2):31-37. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)