
Resource Policy in Interaction with the Strategy of the Silk Road Economic Belt


The issues of resource policy, which will predetermine the future growth of industrialization and urbanization, the forward movement of China's market-oriented economy, and the growing involvement in international cooperation, have been studied. Acceleration of the process of socio-economic development largely depends on the state of agricultural sector. It is noted that the country intends to follow the policy of openness based on mutually beneficial partnerships with other States and foreign organizations in order to increase the efficiency of agro-industrial production, increase the income of peasants and increase the competitiveness of Chinese products on the world market, as well as modernization of agriculture. It is shown that solving the problems of agro-industrial complex will remain a priority task. Its innovative reform is envisaged, creating a long-term mechanism for the integration of the city and countryside according to the principle “Industry supports agriculture, the city helps to the countryside”. The countries of Central Asia and the People's Republic of China face a number of tasks aimed to further development of agricultural sector, increase the efficiency and competitiveness of the industry, improve the well-being of rural residents and boost the rural economy, expand sales markets and stimulate exports, and international trade in agricultural products. In this regard, China continues to work on improving the quality and safety of agricultural products, fulfills its obligations as a member of the WTO, increases the production of environmentally friendly agricultural raw materials and food products domestically and abroad, participating in bilateral and multilateral intergovernmental cooperation in agro-industrial sphere. The authors emphasize that the PRC is one of the most important strategic partners of Kazakhstan in view of economy as a whole and specifically on the growth and development of agricultural sector.

About the Authors

N. Dabyltayeva
Al-Farabi Кazakh National University

 Dabyltayeva Nazym; Candidat of Economic Sciences; Acting Associated Professor

Almaty, 005040 Karasaibatyr str.95 a 

Mа Min Gyuan
Al-Farabi Кazakh National University

 Ma Min Gyuan; PhD student

Almaty, 050040 Karasaibatyr str. 95 a 


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For citations:

Dabyltayeva N., Gyuan M.M. Resource Policy in Interaction with the Strategy of the Silk Road Economic Belt. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;(1):50-56. (In Russ.)

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