
Poultry farming in Kazakhstan: problems and solutions


The article presents the results of economic and statistical analysis of poultry industry in Kazakhstan. The assessment of its condition and development in the leading regions of Kazakhstan for the period from 2010 to 2019 was done in dynamics. The fundamental factors motivating the efficiency of poultry farming in the republic have been determined. A number of problems are highlighted, the early solution of which will contribute to ensuring the country's food security, which is especially important, taking into account the current state of import dependence in this sector. It is shown that expansion of production of poultry products satisfies the internal needs for poultry meat, thereby reducing import dependence for a number of products of poultry subcomplex. The reasons for the decrease in poultry population number in the regions have been justified. Measures aimed to minimize the influence of constraining factors on development of poultry farming have been developed. The article provides recommendations of recommendatory nature on solution of the problems identified as a result of the analysis, including recommendations on improving the feed base, reimbursing part (30%) of financial costs associated with purchase of machinery and special equipment, construction of modular production structures for meat and egg farms, preferential subsidizing of investment activities of poultry enterprises, as well as the formation of stabilization funds for feed grain in State reserve and association of agricultural producers, the need to use highly productive poultry crosses, development of our own breeding base for poultry farming, purposeful work to improve feed supply, introduction of resource-saving energy-intensive technologies, and provision of the industry with qualified personnel.

About the Authors

S. Kozhabaeva
Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade

 Kozhabayeva Saule Amankeldievna; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Associate Professor of the Department of «Economics»

NurSultan, 010000 Zhubanova str. 7 

A. Baktymbet
Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade

 Baktymbet Asem Serikovna; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Head of the Department of Economics

Nur-Sultan, 010000 Zhubanova str. 7 


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For citations:

Kozhabaeva S., Baktymbet A. Poultry farming in Kazakhstan: problems and solutions. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;(1):115-121. (In Kazakh)

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