
The impact of scientific and information support for agro-industrial production entities on the performance of livestock production sector


The state of livestock production industry in Kazakhstan is considered, the problems of its development are outlined. The importance of livestock production for ensuring the country's food security in the context of the decrease in business activity due to quarantine restrictions has been updated. The role of investment in the growth of economic indicators based on implementation of the State program "Information support of agro-industrial complex entities on gratuitous basis" is analyzed. The activities aimed at its implementation in 2020 are shown. The authors emphasize the need to provide innovative technologies and results of modern scientific research on livestock production for agricultural producers on national scale. Forecast calculations of the expected increase in the value of commercial products of livestock production sector when using innovations in feeding, improving herd structure, breeding, care and veterinary services are presented. Based on the analysis of deviations of the actual animal productivity from their standard breed indicators, the volume of shortage of marketable products was determined, first of all, which are associated with low level of organization of animal keeping, namely: diet, fertilization, prevention of morbidity, treatment, lack of modern methods of forming of livestock structure, breeding work. The authors point to one of the reasons for the imperfect management system in livestock production - lack of awareness of farmers about new technologies and approaches to solving livestock and veterinary problems. It is concluded that effective support of scientists and specialists with information on advanced production experience is the basis for making informed decisions on technological modernization of agricultural production based on the latest domestic and foreign progressive methods.

About the Authors

Z. C. Altaibayeva
Toraighyrov university

 Altaibayeva Zhanat Kalelovna; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Accounting

Pavlodar, 140008 Lomov str. 64 

V. P. Shelomentseva
Innovative University of Eurasia

 Shelomentseva Valentina Pavlovna; Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor; Professor of the Department of Business and Management

Pavlodar, 140008 M. Gorky str. 102/4 

D. Z. Aiguzhinova
Toraighyrov university

 Aiguzhinova Dinara Zeinullaevna; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Aassociate Professor; Professor of the Department of Finance and Accounting

Pavlodar, 140008 Lomov str. 64 


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For citations:

Altaibayeva Z.C., Shelomentseva V.P., Aiguzhinova D.Z. The impact of scientific and information support for agro-industrial production entities on the performance of livestock production sector. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;(1):74-82. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)