The role of private subsidiary farms in ensuring food security in Kazakhstan
The specifics of personal subsidiary farms (PSF), their important role in ensuring food security of the country confirm the relevance, priority of problem solving and the need to conduct research on the use of available potential for the stable development of the agrarian sector of Kazakhstan.
Aim - on the basis of the analysis of the current state of LPH, the constraining factors of expansion are identified, their importance for agriculture is determined, the effectiveness of internal reserves and increase in incomes of rural residents is assessed.
Methods - analytical, comparison and synthesis, economic and statistical in considering the current situation in private subsidiary farms of the republic, their capabilities as subjects of agrarian entrepreneurship.
Results - the authors note that for the last 20 years (2000-2023) there is a tendency of sharp decrease in the share of these forms of farming in agricultural production, changes in their specific weight in the structure of gross output of the industry. The main reasons limiting the active functioning of private subsidiary farms are outlined: difficulties in acquiring fodder, especially forage, as well as mineral fertilizers, there are practically no wholesale supplies, acceptable conditions for marketing agricultural products, remoteness of many rural settlements from markets, low level of mechanized
technologies of their cultivation and harvesting. The comparison with other categories of agroformations was made. Households are forced to conduct unequal competition in the domestic market of food products.
Conclusions - the necessity to develop a regulatory and legislative framework, the mechanism of their association in agricultural cooperatives (marketing, processing, service, etc.), allowing to solve the issues of land cultivation, operation and repair of machinery, fodder procurement, search for markets, to optimize the capacity utilization of processing enterprises with agricultural raw materials, the population with food products, to increase employment and purchasing power of villagers.
About the Authors
G. AkimbekovaKazakhstan
Galiya Akimbekova, Dr.E.Sc., Professor, Acting Chairman of the Board
050057; Satpayev str., 30b; Almaty
А. Moldashev
Altynbek Moldashev, Dr.E.Sc., Professor, Chief Researcher
050057; Satpaev str., 30b; Almaty
G. A. Dzhambaeva
Gulzada Aldabergenovna Dzhambayeva, Senior Researcher
050057; Satpaev str. 30b; Almaty
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Supplementary files
For citations:
Akimbekova G., Moldashev А., Dzhambaeva G.A. The role of private subsidiary farms in ensuring food security in Kazakhstan. Problems of AgriMarket. 2024;(4):78-87. (In Russ.)