Vegetable growing of the Republic of Kazakhstan in terms of pandemic
With the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in most countries, after the adoption of emergency measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection, various economic measures have been implemented to support the population and stabilize the economy. Global changes are taking place in the world, which is associated with issues of cooperation, management activities using a wide range of methods, transformations in agro-industrial complex. To ensure food security of the country, the role of agricultural sector of the republic is increasing. The authors explored main directions of the effective development of vegetable growing in the southern region of the country. The issues of vegetable-growing subcomplex of agri-industrial complex have been identified. Based on the analysis, their assessment, as well as the potential of the industry's innovative activity are presented. There are great prospects for vegetable market, as the consumption of these products, which are rich in vitamins, minerals necessary for the organism, as well as a balanced diet, is increasing. The solution to the problems is in the transition to industrial technologies, the widespread dissemination of business ideas. The measures necessary to expand the scope of introduction of high-performance technologies in the vegetable sector are considered. The importance of public support for the growth of vegetable production is shown. The destabilizing factors of competitiveness of vegetable growing in Kazakhstan have been identified, proposals on improvement of the efficiency of this industry have been developed which are based on innovation. The authors state the need for innovative restructuring in breeding and seed production of vegetable crops, public variety testing, and control over the use of pesticides. The level of provision of the population with vegetable products, and processing industry with raw materials are determined by the development and location of vegetable growing in the republic, as well as labor provision and transport accessibility of sales markets.
About the Authors
Y. E. GridnevaKazakhstan
Gridneva Yеlena Evgenevna; Сandidat of Economic Sciences, Aassociate Professor; Professor
Almaty, 050013 Satpayev str. 7А
G. Sh. Kaliakparova
Kaliakparova Gulnar Shaymardanovna; PhD; Head of the Department of Economics and Business
Almaty, 050013 Satpayev str. 7
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For citations:
Gridneva Y.E., Kaliakparova G.Sh. Vegetable growing of the Republic of Kazakhstan in terms of pandemic. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;(1):101-107. (In Russ.)