Competitiveness of meat and meat products in Almaty region: theory, methodology and practice
The aim is to identify the factors of competitiveness of meat products and assess the state of the meat industry of Almaty region.
Methods - synthesis, analogy for the possibility of forming plans of supply and production of food products; classification - in determining consumer requirements, different for different types of food, quantitative approach allows to designate directions in the manufacture of meat of the highest category; analysis of five forces according to Porter - at threats of intra-industry competition. Obtaining the most reliable, accurate, systematized information is based on the principles of objectivity, consistency, study of domestic and foreign scientific publications.
Results - criteria and ways of increasing the competitive advantages of meat
products in the region were studied and their theoretical and practical provisions were considered.
Conclusions - Kazakhstan, having a high potential of intensification of domestic livestock breeding, can be among the world leaders of meat processing sector and in the world commodity market. To solve this problem it is necessary to strengthen the economic base of the meat industry. The general objective of the Comprehensive Plan for the Development agricultural products for 2024-2028 is to increase the volume of secondary processing in the country – bringing the volume of secondary processing in the sphere of agro-industrial complex up to 70 %, outstripping the pace of industrial-innovative development, improving investment policy, efficiency in the use of labor resources and export shipments of agricultural raw materials and agroproducts with high added value, creating a raw material base for uninterrupted loading of processing enterprises, increasing their profitability, designing more high-tech machines, organizing new jobs, ensuring food security.
About the Authors
S. MizanbekovaKazakhstan
Salima Mizanbekova, Dr.E.Sc., RK, RF, Professor, Professor of Department
Kh.D. Churin Department of Management and Organization of Agribusiness
050010; Abay Ave., 8; Almaty
А. К. Saurykova
Ainura Kanalbaevna Saurukova, C.E.Sc., Associate Professor, Head of Department
Kh.D. Churin Department of Management and Organization of Agribusiness
050010; Abay Ave., 8; Almaty
М. Keneev
Margulan Keneev, Ph.D student
Kh.D. Churin Department of Management and Organization of Agribusiness
050010; Abay Ave., 8; Almaty
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Supplementary files
For citations:
Mizanbekova S., Saurykova А.К., Keneev М. Competitiveness of meat and meat products in Almaty region: theory, methodology and practice. Problems of AgriMarket. 2024;(4):143-152. (In Russ.)