
Investing in rural development


   Aim - development of proposals for the development of rural areas on the basis of priority investment.

   Methods - analysis and synthesis to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between the volume of financial investments in the agro-industrial complex and the implementation of a comprehensive policy of modernization of the Kazakhstani village; economic and statistical - in the processing of statistical data characterizing the dynamics of investment in fixed capital and gross output of agriculture, comparing the results for 2012-2022, identifying their trends and patterns; correlation approach - to determine a direct linear relationship between the size of investment funds and the possibility of the development of rural areas.

   Results - a strong correlation between capitalization in the agricultural sector and gross domestic product is indicated. On the basis of increasing investment activity the directions of overcoming territorial inequality, smoothing the differences in the living standards of urban and rural population are substantiated.

   Conclusions - the authors have argued the need to intensify investment activity in the agro-industrial complex of the national economy to transform the image of rural areas, to solve the problems of building the capacity of rural areas and agribusiness, to improve the investment strategy through economic, legal and administrative levers, to counter spontaneous migration from rural settlements, to reduce the number of rural residents. Unresolved problems are pointed out: unstable dynamics of increasing investment volumes, their low innovative orientation, rising prices for agricultural machinery and other machinery and equipment for investment purposes. The necessity of strengthening the state investment support of innovations is shown. The results of scientific research can be used in the development of investment concept and comprehensive program of rural development in Kazakhstan.

About the Authors

А. Belgibayev
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Anuar Belgibayev, Ph.D student

Department of Management

050040; Al-Farabi Ave., 71; Almaty

S. E. Yepanchintseva
Almaty Technological University

Svetlana Eduardovna Yepanchintseva,  Ph.D, Assistant Professor

Department of Economics and Management

050012; Tole bi str., 100; Almaty

Тunc Medeni
Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University

Тunc Medeni, Ph.D, Professor



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Supplementary files


For citations:

Belgibayev А., Yepanchintseva S.E., Medeni Т. Investing in rural development. Problems of AgriMarket. 2024;(4):36-45.

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