
Efficiency of agricultural production: situation analysis


   Improving the efficiency of agricultural production requires situational analysis for constant study and monitoring of indicators of the external and internal environment of the enterprise in order to make management decisions.

   The aim is to substantiate the functional strategy of an agricultural commodity producer on the basis of prioritizing the situation as a set of events occurring inside and outside the economic entity, and its probable development under conditions of uncertainty.

   The methods are based on the dialectical approach to assessing the
performance of agribusiness. In the process of researching problems and preparing proposals used monographic, quantitative and qualitative methods of timely accounting, control, planning and forecasting. The information base of the study was made up by the data of statistical and accounting reports of the production structure.

   Results - methodological and methodological aspects of the study of business environment and its functional capabilities are shown. On the example of agrarian formation the diagnostics of influence of internal and external variables on the level of profitability of the production process is carried out, the choice of strategic direction of its modernization is motivated, measures to increase financial results and reduce the degree of operational risk of production and economic activity are developed.

   Conclusions - the authors proposed practical aspects of the system conceptual analysis, identified critical factors affecting profitability, productivity and competitiveness of the object of entrepreneurship, argued investment and marketing plans of agrarian production; formulated ways to improve the efficiency of the production cycle in terms of resources and costs, technology. The necessary characteristics of information, providing from a practical point of view, the right strategic decision, include: reliability, sufficiency, timeliness, integrity and accessibility. At the same time it is necessary to understand in what sphere the given information can be applied, used and useful. SWOT-analysis allows to discover weaknesses and strengths, threats and opportunities for economic growth and strengthening the competitive advantages of the enterprise.

About the Authors

O. V. Mishulina
Kostanay branch of Chelyabinsk State University

Olga Vladimirovna Mishulina, Dr.E.Sc., Professor, Professor of the Department

Department of Economics

110000; А.Borodin str., 168 A; Kostanay

D. B. Alybaev
J. Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University

Dzapar Buzurmankulovich Alybaev, Dr.E.Sc., Professor, Head of the Department

Department of Economics

720033; M. Frunze str., 547; Bishkek

N. S. Gorelova
Kostanay branch of Chelyabinsk State University

Natalya Sergeevna Gorelova, C.E.Sc.; Associate Professor

Department of Economics

110000; А. Borodin str., 168A; Kostanay


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Supplementary files


For citations:

Mishulina O.V., Alybaev D.B., Gorelova N.S. Efficiency of agricultural production: situation analysis. Problems of AgriMarket. 2024;(4):46-54.

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