Kazakhstan flour market: peculiarities and factors of increasing profitability of the industry
The most important task of the flour milling industry is to provide the population with high-quality flour, pasta, bakery and confectionery products. Therefore, this industry remains the largest in the food industry.
The aim is to analyze the structure and mechanism of functioning of the flour products market in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Methods - analysis, grouping to collect and process statistical information on production, consumption, exports and prices for these food products; comparison and synthesis - when comparing indicators with similar ones in other countries, identifying common trends and unique features.
Results - the development of flourmilling subcomplex of the republic is shown, export-import relations from 2011 to 2023 are considered. The leaders of flour-milling enterprises, the structure of exports and the largest importers are determined. Unevenness and decrease in production volumes in dynamics are noted. Information on the factors affecting the cost of industrial grain processing is presented. The authors state a significant increase in grain prices. It is substantiated that the increase in production volumes can be achieved by expanding the assortment and improving its baking properties with the use of new high-efficiency technologies. Building up the export potential of flour goods is one of the key directions of Kazakhstan's foreign economic policy and is important for the development of the agrarian economy and evaluation of economic reforms.
Conclusions - it is emphasized that the high quality of Kazakhstani flour is rightly recognized in the world. Trends in the domestic market correspond to the world market - the growing demand for high-grade wheat and products made from it of the highest class. To maintain positions among the leading exporters it is necessary to provide effective state support and effective complex of stimulating measures compensating domestic producers for the difference between domestic and world prices.
About the Authors
О. А. TsapovaKazakhstan
Olga Aleksandrovna Tsapova, C.E.Sc., Associate Professor
Department of Economics, Accounting and Finance
150000; Pushkin str., 86; Petropavlovsk
А. М. Ayulov
Abilmazhin Musaipovich Ayulov, Dr.E.Sc., Professor, Rector
020000; Zhambyl Zhabayev str., 1; Kokshetau
S. F. Smolyaninova
Svetlana Fedorovna Smolyaninova, Мaster of Economic Sciences, Director
150000; Toksan Bi str., 94; Petropavlovsk
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Supplementary files
For citations:
Tsapova О.А., Ayulov А.М., Smolyaninova S.F. Kazakhstan flour market: peculiarities and factors of increasing profitability of the industry. Problems of AgriMarket. 2024;(4):123-133. https://doi.org/10.46666/2024-4.2708-9991.11