Management of saiga populations in Kazakhstan: a retrospective study and conservation opportunities
The saiga population in Kazakhstan has undergone significant changes in recent decades due to both natural and anthropogenic factors. Despite successful conservation measures: hunting bans, international cooperation, restoration of saiga numbers from critically low levels, the lack of a long-term management concept has resulted in a surplus population. The main difficulty in managing this is not so much in maintaining a balance between their numbers and habitat, but in establishing effective interaction between the various stakeholders.
The aim is to analyze the number of these animals, to study the current challenges and methods of genotype regulation of these animals in the republic.
Methods - systematization of data on the quantitative composition of saigas in different regions, ecological monitoring of population status and habitat, and a systematic approach to the relationship between these small ungulates and the steppe ecosystem allowed us to study the population dynamics of these mammals and propose strategies for coordination and conservation.
Results - factors affecting saiga population changes and modern methods of coordinating their numbers were identified. Adaptive population management strategies are shown, which can be used to regulate numbers and minimize negative consequences for agriculture.
Conclusions - we need to introduce an adaptive management mechanism based on constant monitoring of the population composition and living conditions, as well as a return to controlled saiga hunting within established quotas to maintain a balance between the interests of the biogeocenosis and the agricultural sector of the country, to ensure replenishment of the genetic fund of animals, to reduce the harmful effects of economic activities on them, and to refine recording methods using the latest innovative technologies.
About the Authors
А. М. KazambaevaKazakhstan
Aigul Mamaevna Kazambayeva, C.E.Sc., Associate Professor; Head of the Centre
Centre for Technological Development
090009; Zhangir Khan str., 51; Uralsk
G. А. Ayesheva
Gulshat Amangeldievna Ayesheva, C.E.Sc., Associate Professor
090009; Zhangir khan str., 51; Uralsk
S. М. Yessengaliyeva
Saltanat Mutigollaevna Yessengaliyeva, Ph.D, Acting Associate Professor
Institute of Economics, Information Technologies and Professional Education
090009; Zhangir Khan str.; Uralsk
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Supplementary files
For citations:
Kazambaeva А.М., Ayesheva G.А., Yessengaliyeva S.М. Management of saiga populations in Kazakhstan: a retrospective study and conservation opportunities. Problems of AgriMarket. 2024;(4):98-111. (In Russ.)