Migration processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan: current situation and consequences
Rural population migration is an objective process that affects the economic, environmental, social and demographic development of countries and their individual territories. Regulation and supervision of the migration process is one of the priority tasks of the state. The aim is to the scale and direction of migration flows in rural areas of the republic, the reasons for migration and the degree of influence on the labor market in rural areas are considered.
Methods - comparisons to determine quantitative indicators characterizing the level of resettlement of economically active citizens. Assessment of the dynamics of those who arrived and left the RS was carried out by the methods of grouping and graphical analysis. Generalization method - in formulating the main aspects of resettlement.
Results - the authors state that it is necessary to improve the mechanisms of legal labor migration, explanation and counseling, legal protection and organizational measures for those arriving and departing. Special attention should be paid to the development of infrastructure, creation of new jobs, career opportunities, high income, social conditions in rural settlements (RS) with high levels of local displacement. Based on the study, it is concluded that even positive trends and sustainable growth in production do not suppress the incentives for outflow to the city both for permanent residence and in search of temporary work.
Conclusions - the location of rural areas near the regional center, the location of agricultural enterprises and farms, favorable natural and climatic conditions have a great impact on the attraction of migrants to rural areas. Based on the above, the key factor contributing to the reduction of migration loss of population can be called diversification of the economy in rural areas, further development of existing and creation of new production facilities.
About the Authors
R. ShokhanKazakhstan
Shokhan Roza – The main author; Сandidate of Economic Sciences;Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Department of Tourism
010008 Satpayev str., 2, Astana, Kazakhstan
S. Nurpeissov
Nurpeissov Sagat; Master of Economics Sciences;Vice-Rector of the Development of Social and Corporate
010000 Dukenuly str., 29, Astana
A. Khoich
Khoich Aizhan; Ph.D, Associate Professor;Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship
010008 Satpayev str., 2, Astana
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For citations:
Shokhan R., Nurpeissov S., Khoich A. Migration processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan: current situation and consequences. Problems of AgriMarket. 2024;(3):207-216. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.46666/2024-3.2708-9991.19