
Infrastructural modernization of the agro-industrial complex as the most important vector of accelerated development of rural areas


The article is devoted to the issues of socio-economic development of rural areas - one of the key performance indicators of the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan. The aim is to study the economic potential of rural areas, to determine the prospective directions of production and social transformation of Ushterek village of Yevgenyevsky rural district of Pavlodar region.
Methods - target, hypothesis setting, strategic planning and forecasting were used to identify problem situations, setting goals and solving problems. Justification and argumentation of reasoning in the work are obtained on the basis of analytical information, including comparison, evaluation, generalization and systematization of statistical data.
Results - the authors analyzed the degree of provision with social infrastructure of this region. The influence of various factors on the expansion of this sphere is investigated. The range of problems that hinder the effective activity of this sector is outlined. It is noted that the realization of the economic potential of rural areas will allow solving a number of issues of modernization of infrastructure facilities.
Conclusions - the regional system of social resources should take into account the main interests of the state, aimed at improving the quality of life and welfare of the population. These are, first of all, solving the housing problem and meeting the growing needs of residents in quality housing, improving environmental conditions, strengthening the professional training of workers as a basis for increasing labor productivity and the volume of goods and services, creating guarantees of social security of rural residents. The state authorities should be interested in the development of social programs for rural areas, since the earliest solution of the set tasks is the key criterion for the retention of rural residents in rural areas, which is most important for the republic in the context of increasing rates of urbanization.

About the Authors

M. K. Karimbergenova
Toraighyrov University

Karimbergenova Madina Kudaibergenovna - The main author; Ph.D; Associate Professor of the Department of Economics

140001 Lomov str., 64 A, Pavlodar

D. K. Azimbayeva
Toraighyrov University

Azimbayeva Daria Kaskyrbaevna; Master of Economic Sciences; Specialist of the Department of Statistics of Aksu Pavlodar region

140100 Manshuk Mametova str. 12., Aksu, Pavlodar region

S. Saginova
K.Kulzhanov Kazakh University of Technology and Business

Saginova Saniya; Ph.D; Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Management

010000 Mukhamedkhanov str., 37 A, Astana


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Supplementary files


For citations:

Karimbergenova M.K., Azimbayeva D.K., Saginova S. Infrastructural modernization of the agro-industrial complex as the most important vector of accelerated development of rural areas. Problems of AgriMarket. 2024;(3):58-66.

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