
Some aspects of zoning of agricultural land in Kyzylorda region of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Currently, the mechanism of territory zoning is one of the main criteria for preserving the productive potential of agricultural land. Reduction of fertile lands, increase in the number of degraded areas as a result of negative desertification processes, decrease in the efficiency of agricultural lands, their conversion into reserve lands, indicates the irrationality of the existing directions and technologies of territorial division of lands by purpose, underutilization of production possibilities. For example, in 1991 the size of land use was 218.3 million hectares, in 2022 land plots are used by 50% (115.9 million hectares). Purpose - to study theoretical and methodological approaches to the planning of agricultural land and rural settlements (RS), taking into account economically balanced development and transparent spatial distribution.
Methods - analysis and synthesis, with the help of which the cause-and-effect relations of functional and natural-economic zoning were determined; statistical method allowed to analyze the factors of involvement of agricultural land by categories and information-statistical data on Kyzylorda region.
Results - the problems of establishing functional zones for the purpose of regulating the agricultural land market were revealed, socially oriented indicators of land ranking on the basis of land registration materials were outlined, existing systems of land use management were shown.
Conclusions - zoning of lands intended for agricultural production in the RS is carried out in order to determine the boundaries of assessment zones and correction factors to the basic rates of payment for land plots, and is also necessary as a tool for regularization of land resources of built-up areas. A necessary condition for ecologically acceptable agricultural nature management is compliance with a set of agrotechnical practices and measures.

About the Authors

N. Jangarasheva
Kazakh National Agrarian Research University

Jangarasheva Nazymkul - The main author; Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Land Resources and Cadastre Sciences

050010 Abay Ave., 8, Almaty

T. Taipov
Almaty Humanitarian-Economic University

Taipov Timur; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor; Professor of the Department of Finance

080035 Zhandosov str., 59, Almaty

G. Seidildaeva
Kazakh National Agrarian Research University

Seidildaeva Gulkhan; Ph.D student of the Department of Land Resources and Cadastre

050010 Abay Ave., 8, Almaty


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Supplementary files


For citations:

Jangarasheva N., Taipov T., Seidildaeva G. Some aspects of zoning of agricultural land in Kyzylorda region of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Problems of AgriMarket. 2024;(3):142-154. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 1817-728X (Print)
ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)