
Rural development: the basis for the realization of agrarian policy


Among the problems currently existing in the regions of Kazakhstan is the increasing outflow of able-bodied population from rural areas and localization in the suburban zone of cities.
The aim- is to identify the causes of deterioration of the demographic situation in rural settlements (RS) and to develop recommendations for stabilization of the rural economy in the West Kazakhstan region.
Methods - retrospective when obtaining data for past periods of time, comparative analysis - to compare the information obtained, on the basis of economic and statistical method the selection and analysis of statistical indicators of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan, used information from scientific institutions, official sources, defined absolute and relative parameters, average values.
Results - it is shown that the main factors of degradation of most rural areas of Western Kazakhstan are the lack of a clear vision of the role and place of rural residents and rural areas in the socio-economic development of the republic, weakening of state regulation in the sectors of agriculture.
Conclusions - the prospects for building the capacity of rural areas of the West Kazakhstan region is associated with a number of interrelated problems that need to be solved as soon as possible, primarily modernization of social and technical infrastructure, increasing the motivation of the economically active part of the rural population in mastering new knowledge and technologies, which will increase labor income and effective demand of rural residents for goods and services. The study indicates that in rural areas the situation with investment and expansion of small business activities is ambiguous. It is necessary to emphasize the small business entities in the sphere of agrarian production and the formation of social facilities - housing, catering enterprises, social and cultural facilities, education, pre-school education, sports and recreational facilities. This author's position provides for the possibility of forming greater investment attractiveness and attracting extra-budgetary sources of financing. Elimination of environmental barriers will require improvement of the current regulatory and legal framework.

About the Authors

A. I. Gizzatova
M.Utemisov West Kazakhstan University

Gizzatova Alla Islyamovna – The main author; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Educational Program of Business, Management and Tourism

09000 Nazarbayev Ave., 162, Uralsk

S. T. Zhumasheva
Kazakh Research Institute of Economy of Agro-Industrial Complex and Rural Development

Zhumasheva Saule Tokanovna; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associated Professor; Sciences Secretary

050057 Satpaev str., 30 б, Almaty

G. R. Baytaeva
I.Zhansugurov Zhetysu University

Baytaeva Gulnara Rakhmetovna; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Higher School of Law and Economics

040009 Zhansugurov str., 187А, Taldykorgan


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For citations:

Gizzatova A.I., Zhumasheva S.T., Baytaeva G.R. Rural development: the basis for the realization of agrarian policy. Problems of AgriMarket. 2024;(3):14-26. (In Russ.)

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