Oil and fat industry of the Eastern region of the Republic of Kazakhstan: growth reserves, economic potential
The aim is to study the trends and problems of development of the oil and fat industry of the East Kazakhstan region.
Methods - statistical-economic in the study of phenomena and processes occurring in the oil-fat segment, calculative-constructive - to identify possible alternative directions of increasing the volume of production of the oil-fat subcomplex in the future, abstractlogical - to analyze the current situation in the oil-fat sector of the region, comparative - to compare the indicators of economic activity of this food industry by different criteria depending on the final objectives.
Results - on the basis of statistical information and other official sources the questions concerning the produced agricultural products, their processing and the sphere of trade in finished goods were considered, at that, the final main product is edible and technical vegetable oils.
Conclusions - detailed monitoring allowed to reveal the reasons restraining the expansion of the oil and fat industry in the region, in particular, limited provision of necessary raw materials, low percentage of utilization of production capacities of oil refineries, insufficient supply of high quality seeds. Measures to stabilize the output of oil and fat products have been proposed. These are, first of all, the use of innovative technologies in the production cycle, the formation and functioning of various integrated structures in the agro-industrial complex, which will increase the efficiency of enterprises and solve the issues of food security of the country. High-technology and equipment of advanced brands will significantly reduce the cost of processed products, and cooperation of producers with the support of service centers will make it possible to increase the sown areas of this oilseed crop. It is necessary to use innovative technologies, the implementation of which will contribute to the production of high-quality environmentally friendly food products that are in demand in domestic and foreign markets.
About the Authors
Sh. ZhailaubayevaKazakhstan
Zhailaubayeva Shynar - The main author; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Finance
F19A1T8 Shugaeva str., 159a, Semey
Y. Kendyukh
Kendyukh Yevgeniy; Doctor of Economic Sciences; Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Management
150000 Pushkin str., 86, Petropavlovsk
O. Tsapova
Tsapova Olga; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Management
150000 Pushkin str., 86, Petropavlovsk
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Supplementary files
For citations:
Zhailaubayeva Sh., Kendyukh Y., Tsapova O. Oil and fat industry of the Eastern region of the Republic of Kazakhstan: growth reserves, economic potential. Problems of AgriMarket. 2024;(3):111-120. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.46666/2024-3.2708-9991.10