
State support for employment of rural population in Kazakhstan


Purpose - the problems of employment in rural areas are considered and the ways of their solution are proposed.
Methods - economic and statistical method, monographic, systematic, sociological analysis - to determine the indicators and factors of providing jobs - were used in identifying the trends of employment of rural population.
Results - the current situation in the labor market was studied, the state programs for the expansion of this segment and the results of their implementation were analyzed. The statistical data of unemployment rate by categories in dynamics are compared: age, gender composition, share of labor-sufficient urban and rural populations. The experience of foreign countries is shown, the approved norms of the number of employees employed in agriculture are presented.
Conclusions - to improve the socio-economic infrastructure of rural areas and to improve the quality of life of rural residents it is important to improve the system of subsidizing economic entities. This, in turn, is achievable under the condition of investment of staff units in agricultural production and strengthening social protection of the population. Structural reorganization of the economy has affected the decrease of labor employment in the agrarian sphere, which is one of the criteria of economic development of the republic. Diversification in the agro-industrial complex, support of peasant (farmer) farms and alternative forms of labor relations in rural areas allow to smooth negative trends and receive additional income. The priority direction of labor mobility of rural residents is the expansion of small business. To this end, it is necessary to ease the tax burden on its enterprises, create regional centers for their support, which should direct the available financial and material resources primarily to the implementation of projects and employment programs in rural areas.

About the Authors

D. Zhenskhan
S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical Research University

Zhenskhan Darima - The main author; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Marketing

010000 Zhenis Ave., 62, Astana

G. Appazova
S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical Research University

Appazova Gulbanu; Ph.D student

010011 Zhenis Ave.,62, Astana

A. Koitanova
Astana IT University

Koitanova Aliya; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Assistant - Professor of the School of Creative Industries

010000 Mangilik El Ave., 55/11, Astana


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Supplementary files


For citations:

Zhenskhan D., Appazova G., Koitanova A. State support for employment of rural population in Kazakhstan. Problems of AgriMarket. 2024;(3):197-206.

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ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)