
Macroeconomic regulators of functioning of agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan: key directions


The goal is to develop effective tools for macroeconomic policy for the innovative development of AIC of the republic.

Methods – abstract-logical, economic-statistical, system approach, comparative analysis.

Results - the article shows the role of agro-industrial complex in achieving strategic goals: ensuring food security, increasing export potential, increasing the competitiveness of market entities on domestic and foreign markets. The evolution of agricultural industry in economically developed countries is considered: inter-sectoral cooperation, effectiveness of specialization, cooperation, production and economic ties during integration. The features of agro-industrial production and the key problems of its development are presented. The main factors constraining the strengthening of innovation and investment orientation of enterprises in the system of measures aimed to achieve full use of limited resources have been identified. Ways to form macroeconomic environment are proposed - necessary condition for stimulating entrepreneurial activity. The place and importance of total expenditures in solving the assigned tasks, the state budget deficit and methods of financing, methods of regulating banking, new monetary policy, tax and insurance systems and directions for their improvement, main components of  transformation of agricultural sector into national innovation system are outlined.

Conclusions - the strategic course towards innovative processes in agriculture is determined by global and domestic trends, the use of the latest resource-saving technologies and their rational use, contributes to stable increase in the level of domestic consumption, reduction in import volumes due to substitution of domestic food products. The article was written based on the research results on the project: AR19678876 “Effective system of macroeconomic instruments for state regulation of innovative development of AIC of the RK.” 

About the Authors

B. Kalykova
Kazakh National Agrarian Research University

Kalykova Bakyt; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Head of Scientific Project

050022 Abai Ave., 8, Almaty

G. Madiyev
Kazakh National Agrarian Research University

Madiyev Galizhan; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor; H.D. Churin Department of Management and Organization of Agribusiness

050022 Abai Ave., 8, Almaty

A. Bekbossynova
Kazakh National Agrarian Research University

Bekbossynova Assel; Ph.D student; Leading Economist

050022 Abai Ave., 8, Almaty


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Supplementary files


For citations:

Kalykova B., Madiyev G., Bekbossynova A. Macroeconomic regulators of functioning of agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan: key directions. Problems of AgriMarket. 2024;(2):40-52. (In Russ.)

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