
Innovation and investment activities in crop production in Kazakhstan based on the example of grain industry: modern approaches


Innovative and investment development of agro-industrial complex, based on  modernization of technical equipment,  introduction of digital technologies, and increase in investment flow, helps to increase labor productivity and create competitive products, which determined the relevance of the study.

The goal is theoretical and methodological substantiation and development of practical recommendations for stimulating innovation and investment activity in crop production sector of the republic based on the example of grain subcomplex.

Methods – study of statistical, economic information, systematic approach to identifying general trends and effects, graphical representation.

Results – lack of modern agricultural machinery, insufficient level of modernization of rural infrastructure and access to the market, low degree of renewal of fixed assets of enterprises, wear and tear of machinery and equipment, limited influx of investments due to seasonality and high risks for investors have become the main obstacle to sustainable growth of the main indicators of this sector of economy. The authors conducted correlation analysis of the dynamics of investment in crop production and gross production, which was confirmed by strong positive relationship.

Conclusions – by summarizing, the authors recommend  increase investment capital in the use of environmental and green technologies, implementing training and consulting programs for farmers on advanced technologies and innovations in crop production farms, leasing financing, and partnerships with research institutes for the exchange of knowledge and experience. Joint research and experiments should become the main tools of state regulation of innovation and investment activities in agriculture in order to ensure the country's food security. Investments and innovations should be considered as a single system, on the successful functioning of which the economic recovery and stabilization of agricultural production depend.

About the Authors

B. Aimurzina
Astana International University

Aimurzina Baglan - The main author; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Professor Higher School of Economics

010000 Kabanbay batyr Ave., 8, Astana

M. Kamenova
«Turan-Astana» University

Kamenova Mazken; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Professor of the Department of Design, Service and Tourism

010000 Dukenuly str., 29, Astana

D. Bektenova
B.N. Eltsyn Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University

Bektenova Damira; Doctor of Economic Science, Professor; Professor of the Department of Finance and Credit

720001 Kievskaya str., 44, Bishkek


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Supplementary files


For citations:

Aimurzina B., Kamenova M., Bektenova D. Innovation and investment activities in crop production in Kazakhstan based on the example of grain industry: modern approaches. Problems of AgriMarket. 2024;(2):89-99. (In Russ.)

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