
Feed industry: transfer of new technologies


Relevance – the industry for  production of compound feed for farm animals is the main link in the structure of the AIC, located in the middle of all production and technological connections of the livestock products market. Over the past decade, quite high indicators have been achieved in feed production in the republic. The main components are the increase in  consumption of grain fodder by livestock industry, increase in production volume of the main components of feed preparation, and optimization of the procurement of raw materials.

The goal is to show the realities and prospects for increasing the potential of feed industry in Kazakhstan, the need for effective strategies based on intensification and innovative technology renewal.

Methods – comparative, statistical, system analysis, logical generalization.

Results - the authors state that enterprises that have become the main suppliers of raw materials for livestock sector have a number of economic difficulties that do not allow them to meet the growing needs of agroindustrial production and create reserves for large-scale export of combined feed and livestock products to the world market, in particular in countries of the Middle East. There is a significant dependence of feed production on cereals, since the key type of raw material source is 5 grade grain (coarse). Therefore, it is necessary to expand the area under these crops to obtain the required volumes of grain mixtures and feed. It is noted that one of the main promising areas of innovative activity remains the issue of reducing  cost of operating equipment and energy costs.

Conclusions - organization of highly efficient feed production segment in the country is necessary for proportional and balanced development of grain processing enterprises -  main components of grain and meat product subcomplexes and the links between them. It is necessary to increase the capacity of large production enterprises to provide feed products on industrial scale, and also to apply technologies based on the use of grass flour and molasses from grains, which contain a high proportion of elements with high energy value, which can significantly increase the efficiency of raising livestock and reduce  product costs. 

About the Authors

S. Mizanbekova
Kazakh National Agrarian Research University

Mizanbekova Salima – Doctor of Economic Sciences RK, RF, Professor; Professor of the H.D. Churin Department of Management and Agribusiness

050010 Abay Ave., 8, Almaty

D. Aitmukhanbetova
S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical Research University

Aitmukhanbetova Damira; Candidate of Economic Science; Associated Professor

710000 Zhenis str., 62, Аstana


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Supplementary files


For citations:

Mizanbekova S., Aitmukhanbetova D. Feed industry: transfer of new technologies. Problems of AgriMarket. 2024;(2):100-111. (In Russ.)

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