Methods of constructing integral indicators for assessing entrepreneurial potential of the rural population
Purpose - methods of analyzing quantitative and qualitative indicators of the research results on entrepreneurial potential in rural areas, formation of methodological tools for integral assessment of the state of business activity in the regions of Kazakhstan are considered.
Methods - statistical, ranking, rating system - reveal the main factors affecting the business initiative of entrepreneurs, contribute to the determination of indices of entrepreneurial activity, which makes it possible to achieve specific objective decisions.
Results - it is shown that these regulatory materials comprehensively assess the state of small and medium-sized agribusiness in the republic and can be used in the development and adjustment of government programs, national projects, and further scientific research, taking into account trends in innovation and environmental friendliness of agro-industrial production.
Conclusions - development of entrepreneurship in agricultural sector determines economic and social situation, creates favorable conditions for production of competitive agricultural products and food. Small and medium-sized businesses are able to raise the status of social sustainability of the village and support diversification. Effective measures are needed to effectively manage business risks. The necessity of forming optimal parameters when monitoring business processes at enterprises is substantiated as a basis for solving such problem as identifying their potential resource capabilities and using them in the future. The purpose of this approach is to timely identify “critical points” and apply modern methods to improve the efficiency of small agricultural businesses. The proposed methodology is especially important in the field of strategic planning and forecasting, for the implementation of results-oriented management procedures, program-target budgeting when implementing large innovative projects in the regions.
About the Authors
G. A. AsanovaKazakhstan
Asanova Gulnara Abdildinovna; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Department of Economics
010000 Zhenis Ave., 62, Astana
A. Zh. Kassеnova
Kassеnova Asiya Zhandarbekovna; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Marketing
010000 Zhenis Ave., 62, Astana
A. V. Khapova
Khapova Alena Viktorovna; Master of Economic Sciences; Senior Lecturer of the Department of Management and Marketing
010000 Zhenis Ave., 62, Astana
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Supplementary files
For citations:
Asanova G.A., Kassеnova A.Zh., Khapova A.V. Methods of constructing integral indicators for assessing entrepreneurial potential of the rural population. Problems of AgriMarket. 2024;(2):53-64. (In Kazakh)