
Pasture lands and food supply in the Mangistau region of Kazakhstan under drought conditions: searching for compromises, recommendations


The goal - recommendations for improving the use of hay and pasture lands, taking into account shortage of feed and starvation of livestock in drought conditions resulting from pasture degradation.

Methods - analysis and generalization of the legislation of Kazakhstan in the field of agriculture and land reclamation,  Land Code based on data on the number of livestock in dynamics and  share of regions in the overall country indicator.

Results - issues of accessibility of pasture lands for grazing and food supply for animals in the Mangistau region were considered, facts of their death due to dystrophy caused by malnutrition were revealed. According to statistics, in 2022 there were 22.8 thousand heads of cattle, which is 4.2% less than in 2021, about 85.7 thousand heads of camels (increase by 6%), 120.5 thousand heads of horses (increase by 6.3%). Due to desertification and deterioration of pastures, the number of abandoned pastures is increasing.

Conclusions - Innovative approaches are needed to address sustainable land management challenges, implementing strategies such as rotational plot systems that promote restoration of rangelands, allowing vegetation to rest between grazing periods in mountainous and foothill areas, which in turn maintains soil fertility and contributes to conservation of biodiversity. It is also necessary to grow drought-resistant forage desert plants adapted to climate change, this increases the availability of forage crops, balances livestock diets and reduces the load on ecosystems. The article proposes plans to expand pasture areas and their use, and develop projects in the field of feed production.

About the Authors

G. Akhmetova
Kh. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau University

Akhmetova Gulmira; Candidat of Economic Sciences; Associate Professor of the Departments of Finance and Accounting

060000 Student Ave., 212, Atyrau

D. Abdeshov
Sh.Yesenov Caspian University of Technology and Engineering

Abdeshov Daulen; Candidat of Economic Sciences; Associate Professor of Departments Finance

130003  microraion 32, Aktau

S. Aldeshova
Kh. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau University

Aldeshova Samal; Master of Econjmic Sciences; Senior Teacher of Finance and Accounting

060000 Student Ave., 212, Atyrau


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Supplementary files


For citations:

Akhmetova G., Abdeshov D., Aldeshova S. Pasture lands and food supply in the Mangistau region of Kazakhstan under drought conditions: searching for compromises, recommendations. Problems of AgriMarket. 2024;(2):227-237.

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