
Beet sugar enterprises in Kazakhstan: balanced management, reserves


The goal is to analyze production indicators of sugar beets and sugar for 1990-2023, to recommend measures to increase volume of sugar industry products.

Methods - statistical, on the basis of which primary data on production of beet raw materials and sugar, its consumption per capita, export and import, and foreign trade turnover are collected.

Results - the authors note that development of beet-sugar subcomplex is accompanied by stable decrease in quantity of this product, resulting in reduction in acreage and decrease in yield. The deterioration of parameters is due to high cost and low profitability of crop produced, outdated technical base, the use of lowquality seeds, problems with irrigation, and insufficient capacity of sugar factories. The current situation has a direct impact on the demand for sugar, which is met through imports and raw sugar obtained from processing. State measures aimed to increase sugar from domestic raw materials, set out in the Comprehensive Plan for the Development of Sugar Industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2022-2026, were considered, in the framework of which it is provided to ensure the enterprises with unused agricultural land suitable for cultivating sugar beets within a radius of 150 kilometers to ensure their own raw materials taking into account the requests of the processors.

Conclusions - the implementation of the set tasks will reduce sugar import dependence and saturate the domestic market with own products. At the same time, logistics issues, reducing cost of transporting finished products, and financing construction of railways need to be worked out.

About the Authors

A. Yerseitova
M.Kh. DulatyTaraz Regional University

Yerseitova Aigul; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Management

080000 Suleymanova str., 7, Taraz

S. Abildaev
M.Kh. DulatyTaraz Regional University

Abildaev Sultan -  The main author; Ph.D; Associate professor of the Department of Economics

080000 Suleymanova str., 7, Taraz

S. Dyrka
V.Corfantego Upper Silesian University of Economics

Dyrka Stefan; Ph.D; Professor  



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Supplementary files


For citations:

Yerseitova A., Abildaev S., Dyrka S. Beet sugar enterprises in Kazakhstan: balanced management, reserves. Problems of AgriMarket. 2024;(2):182-192.

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