
Legal responsibility in agricultural relations


In modern conditions of modernization of state agricultural policy, the role of agricultural law, subject of legal regulation, protection of the interests of the entities of agricultural sector, and ensuring food security of the republic is increasing.

The goal is to study the features of agricultural legal relations, identifying main problems associated with the application of legal liability. Analysis of the state, use of rules and norms of agricultural legislation and development of measures aimed to support, stimulate, and protect the rights of agricultural producers in Kazakhstan.

The methods are based on materials from domestic and foreign scientists, scientific publications, and changes in legislative regulations. A comparative analysis and assessment of legal relations in agro-industrial production were used.

Results - the state of affairs is considered and important issues of application of legal responsibility in the context of lawful actions and its features are identified. Various types of violations of legal obligations are analyzed: non-compliance with land use rules, sanitary and hygienic requirements, environmental standards - illegal use of pesticides, abuse of antibiotics in raising livestock, violation of environmental standards that can pollute water or damage the soil.

Conclusions - the authors propose a number of effective measures to improve legal behavior in agricultural entities: strengthening control by the state law enforcement agencies, creating more effective punishment mechanisms, increasing awareness of participants in agricultural legal relations, which will prevent unfair practices and will promote conservation of natural resources and environment. Agricultural law presupposes land, property, labor, financial, and management relations in agriculture. This contributes to organizational, production and economic activities of agricultural production entities in accordance with the goals of entrepreneurship in agricultural sector.

About the Authors

Zh. K. Mizambekova
«Тuran-Astana» University

Mizambekova Zhamilya Kaspievna - The main author; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Associate Professorr of the Department of Design

010000 Dukenuly str., 29, Astana

K. B. Zhumanazarov
S. Seifullin Agro Technical Research University

Zhumanazarov Kassymkhan Bekbauovich; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Department of Land use planning

010000 Zhenis Ave., 62, Astana

A. S. Baizakova
«Тuran-Astana» University

Baizakova Aiganym Serikovna; Master of Economics; Senior lecturer of the Department of Design, Service and Tourism

010000 Dukenuly str., 29, Astana


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For citations:

Mizambekova Zh.K., Zhumanazarov K.B., Baizakova A.S. Legal responsibility in agricultural relations. Problems of AgriMarket. 2024;(2):65-77. (In Russ.)

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