Application of the ESG-concept in agricultural sector of Kazakhstan: competitive advantages
The goal is to identify the possibilities of applying the SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) system for agro-industrial complex based on the analysis of its current state and adaptation to the concept of socio-economic and environmental sustainability (ESG).
The methods - general scientific: comparative, statistical analysis, as well as logical and generalization, which were used as theoretical and methodological basis based on the fundamental principles of the ESG-concept, presented in the works of various foreign economic schools.
Results - main problems of AIC are identified and systematized according to the UN methodology. The authors note that the proposed grouping of SDG parameters, focused on agricultural sector of Kazakhstan and connections established between them, will make it possible to create an effective, efficient model for the growth of the country’s economy and its agro-industrial production.
Conclusions - the research conducted by the authors of the article shows that there is significant resource for achieving the effectiveness of the Sustainable Development Goals based on the implementation of integrated approach that ensures unity and balance of social, economic and environmental goals and their integration into corporate strategies that set out the mission and objectives of the enterprise, as well as means and methods for their implementation. The importance and advantages of the ESG-concept for overcoming the environmental crisis, reducing the anthropogenic impact on the environment, creating conditions for improving the well-being of the rural population and the level of competitiveness of agricultural producers are justified. The implementation of ESG-standards plays important role in ensuring the sustainable development of the industry, helping to improve financial performance of enterprises, providing optimal conditions for attracting investors and strengthening reputation on domestic and international markets, preserving biological and natural diversity.
About the Authors
A. R. Shalbayeva«Turan» University
Shalbayeva Akmeiіr Rakhmatullayevna, Ph.D student
A15R4M6 К.Satpaeva str., 16B, Almaty
S. S. Tamenova
Tamenova Saltanat Sarsenbaуevna; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor; Director of The Center For Innovative Development of the Region
A15R4M6 К.Satpaeva str., 16B, Almaty
A. D. Umbеtaliev
Academician IAI; Professor of the Department «Economics and accounting»
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Supplementary files
For citations:
Shalbayeva A.R., Tamenova S.S., Umbеtaliev A.D. Application of the ESG-concept in agricultural sector of Kazakhstan: competitive advantages. Problems of AgriMarket. 2024;(2):25-39. (In Kazakh)